

  • 主演:
  • 导演:柳承莞
  • 类型: 恐怖
  • 时长: 1分钟
  • 年代: 2014
  • 地区: 韩国
  • 语言:
  • Ryoo Seungwan, Han Jiseung, , Kim Taeyong got together to make a 3D omn Ryoo Seungwan, Han Jiseung, , Kim Taeyong got together to make a 3D omnibus fi lm. It's a 3D vision of terrible realities never far from popular culture today. The stages of its episodes are different with one another. tragedies and fantasies unfold in the city, the woods, and the future. The 3D technique is used in scenes where the characters have fancies to get over suffering in reality. It's interesting to watch 3D scenes directed by representative directors of Korea, and it's noteworthy in terms of industry that this try displays the possibilities and realities of 3D fi lm in Korea, as well. It's the new vision of KAFA's project, ‘KAFA+.展开↓ 收起↑

来源: 腾讯
短剧电影电视剧综艺 动漫 明星

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